Safety Guidelines

Safety is our #1 priority!

Call Emergency Medical Services (EMS) immediately for the following:

  • Any time you believe a child needs immediate medical treatment

  • Fever in association with abnormal ABCs (appearance, breathing, or circulation)

  • Multiple children affected by injury or serious illness at the same time

  • A child is acting strangely, is much less alert, or is much more withdrawn

  • Difficulty breathing, unable to speak

  • Skin or lips that look blue, purple, or gray

  • Rhythmic jerking of arms and legs and a loss of responsiveness (seizure)

  • Unresponsive

  • Decreasing responsiveness

  • Any of the following after a head injury: decrease in level of alertness, confusion, headache, vomiting, irritability, difficulty walking

  • Increasing or severe pain anywhere

  • A cut or burn that is large and deep, and will not stop bleeding

  • Vomiting blood

  • A child with a severe stiff neck, headache, and fever

  • A child who is significantly dehydrated: sunken eyes, not making tears or urinating, lethargic

  • Suddenly spreading purple or red rash

  • A large volume of blood in the stools

  • Hot or cold weather injuries (e.g., frostbite, heat exhaustion)

Other medical accidents:

You are responsible for being up to date with First Aid knowledge. Review First Aid procedures frequently.

  • If any first aid is necessary during class, such as a bandaid or ice pack:

    • Complete Brightwheel Incident Report

  • If a child needs to be picked up due to an injury that does not need immediate medical attention, such as twisted ankle, let lead teacher know:

    • Call parents immediately

    • Complete Brightwheel Incident Report

Keep an eye on ALL students!
All students are to be within eye sight and ear shot at all times!

  • If you see a child wandering, do something and say something to the other teacher immediately!

  • Go to the child and guide them back to the correct area.

  • No yelling after the children, this causes a distraction for the rest of the students and rarely works.

    Restroom breaks:

  • For student safety, we must always have at least 2 students and 1 instructor together at all times.

  • Check each stall for hazards prior to allowing children to use

  • One student per stall

  • Help students take off gear and get onto toilet as needed

  • Students must wipe on their own

  • Help students pull gear up/ zip up

  • All students must wash hands or use sanitizer after using the restroom  

  • If using public restroom, all students must remain in the restroom until the entire group is prepared to exit together

    Procedure for restroom accidents

  • Change clothes in restroom

  • Place soiled clothing in bag and tie up

  • Complete Brightwheel Potty Accident Report

    Keep students from petting dogs

  • We do not want students to have a habit of running after dogs to pet or get injured in the process.

  • We encourage waving from a distance

    Students are not to climb on any structure such as amphitheater, benches, tables, etc.

    When in forested area, teachers should be spread out to keep an eye on all students, be able to list which children are in your area if asked.

  • Head counts are to be called every 5-10 minutes if class is spread out

    When on trails, one teacher is to be in front of the group and one in back

  • If you lose sight of the other teacher, call for a pause

  • If you are the teacher in front and need to pause, pointing out something to stop and examine is an easy method