Forest School Donation

Donate to PNWK’s Forest 4 All Program today!


PNWK is committed to equitable access to quality education. We believe every child should be able to access the wonder, joy, and educational value of forest school!

With your support, we are able to make scholarships available for school year and summer programs.

Much like our children, the seeds we have planted need support to thrive and bloom. Your contributions help establish a nourishing foundation for the growth of this program! Together, let’s create an opportunity for children to fully experience the magic of childhood.

Who do donations help?
ALL OF US! Donations help keep our community diverse and supported. Scholarships help families who cannot afford to pay tuition, which in turn helps with family retention and helps all students build strong, positive relationships.

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Forest 4 All Donation - One Time

from $50.00
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Forest 4 All Donation - Monthly

from $10.00 every month